General Rules

  1. The tournament will consist of two (2) rounds of twenty (20) individual 3D targets contested over a one or two-day period, predetermined by the tournament outline.
    Each round will be a “Shotgun” start, signaled by the range officials.

  2. Severe Weather – Rogue’s Hollow retains the right to delay or cancel a tournament day in the case of severe weather. If a round is suspended, all shooters must leave the range immediately. Scorecards will be retained by the scorekeepers. No shooter shall be in possession of their own official scorecard. More information on “Scorekeepers”
    can be found under “SCORING RULES” section B herein.

  3. Each registered shooter will receive a Range & Target Assignment. Each shooter is responsible for shooting at the time, target, and range designated unless instructed otherwise by a tournament or range official. All times are on a first registered / first assigned basis by shooting class. Failure to shoot your designated time, or shooting the incorrect range for your designated class will result in a score of zero for that day.

  4. No alcoholic beverages or controlled substances may be carried or consumed on the tournament grounds under penalty of disqualification. No shooter will compete while under the influence of alcohol or any other controlled substance(s) under penalty of disqualification.

  5. This property is Pristine, and we are allowed to use it for this tournament at the good graces of the owners-our hosts.  Please refrain from littering on the course as this will not be tolerated. Anyone littering will be subject to disqualification from the tournament, this includes spitting out of gum, and cigarettes butts. In addition, please remain on the trails as much as possible as the property needs to be protected.  

  6. Smoking and Vaping is NOT permitted on the property—this is a zero-tolerance policy.  If you must smoke or vape, please leave the property boundary—outside the gate.  

  7. Prior to the start of competition on the first day, all shooters will be expected to attend a “Competitor Safety Meeting” which should be considered mandatory. The meeting will cover information regarding the location of ranges, and rules interpretation questions will be fielded. This meeting will start prior to the start of each round and will last approximately five minutes.

  8. No archer may compete in more than one class at a tournament.

  9. No one may practice on any target to be used for tournament shooting. Please engage in practice at the assigned Range intended for practice.

  10. Entry fees will not be refunded to disqualified competitors. Refunds for any other reason will be awarded at the discretion of the officials of Rogue’s Hollow.

  11. Shooters may not be on any range that they have been assigned to shoot in unknown distance competition before they compete. Anyone who is found to be in violation of this restriction will not be allowed to shoot any competition range that they were on and will receive a score of zero for each range they visited.

  12. Due to safety considerations it is recommended that all shooters wear shoes that fully cover the entire foot. Bare feet or flip-flops are not allowed while competing on the ranges.

Spectators and Guests

  1. Spectators are not allowed on the tournament ranges until the range official begins the competition.

  2. Providing information or coaching to a shooter is strictly prohibited.

  3. As a courtesy, spectators and guests are to avoid conversation while others are shooting. All cell phones and electronic devices are to be turned off to avoid disturbing the competitors.

  4. Friendly pets are welcome provided they remain on leash and do not interfere with any competitor or their ability to compete.  Please pick up any solid excrement and deposit in a proper garbage pail.

  5. Still photography is allowed, but the use of flash equipment during competitions is prohibited. Special exceptions may be made for the working press or film production crews.

  6. Spectators may assist by carrying items such as stools, umbrellas, ice chests, food, drinks, or other items for the convenience of shooters, but must stay clear of the shooting stakes and lanes at all times.

  7. Due to safety considerations it is recommended that all spectators wear shoes that cover the entire foot.


  • Recognizing that archery can be a potentially dangerous activity, I agree to forever release, discharge, full indemnify & save harmless, Rogue’s Hollow Archery Adventure (RHAA), the facility/landholder, & all promoters, sponsors and their representatives and successors, & their assigns from any & all claims, demands & expenses whatsoever on account of damage to or loss of property, physical or mental injury or death. I verify that I am physically fit and do not suffer from any disability, physical ailment nor am I taking any medication that would cause me harm or limit my participation in this archery event. I hereby affirm that I have carefully read, fully understand & agree to the above & that I am of legal age to execute this forma as a legal document.

    RHAA may take pictures and/or recordings during the archery event to use for marketing, website, or other media.

Shooting Rules

  1. We are adopting ASA shooting rules.

  2. Electronic sighting tapes are not allowed.

Known Distance & Unknown Distance Competition: In the “Classes” section all classes have been designated as Known, or Unknown:
On all Unknown Distance competition classes range finding is prohibited: All distances will be judged by the naked eye. No equipment, including but not limited to sights, binoculars, or spotting scopes will be used in a manner inconsistent with this prohibition. Using any part of the shooter’s body is prohibited, which includes “gapping techniques” that may also use equipment, or the “stepping off” of the distance to, or from, any target. Shooters may carry “target cards” reflecting a picture or rendering of the specific targets being shot, but no marks or notations of any type may be made on these cards. In addition, the prohibition on marks or notations includes carrying, or making, any additional notes about yardages or features of any target on a competition range. Exchanging target information with spectators or other shooting groups at any time during the tournament is strictly prohibited. Target information may only be discussed among members of a shooting group after all members of that group have shot the target.

On all Known Distance competition ranges:
Shooters may use range finders but may not delay the time allowed and may share their information if requested by another competitor in their group. Shooters may carry “target cards” reflecting a picture or rendering of the specific targets being shot, but no marks or notations of any type may be made on these cards. In addition, the prohibition on marks or notations includes carrying or making any additional notes about yardages or features of any target on a competition range.

Shooting Time Allowed

  1. Each twenty (20) target course, whether known or unknown, will be shot in three (3) hours maximum. However, it shall be the final determination of the Tournament Director to cancel, postpone, delay tournament activities, and / or determine the appropriate time frame for completion of the round in the case of inclement weather or other extenuating circumstances.

  2. Each group will be responsible for monitoring and adhering to the following pace of shooting:
    Upon commencement of the round by a verbal announcement by the range official the first shooter at each target will be allowed two minutes to shoot his/her arrow.
    Each remaining member of the group will be allocated one minute. Upon reaching the next stake the time limit repeats for the first and subsequent shooters. Each shooters time limit will begin upon release of the previous shooters arrow.
    Any shooter who fails to adhere to their specified time limit will receive a warning from the group or range official for the first offense. The penalty for a subsequent offense is a deduction of five points from target score. Any further offenses will result in the disqualification of the shooter.

  3. After the allotted time the range official will call time and shooters may complete the target being shot. Further shooting will cease and scores will be totalled on targets completed and a zero recorded for each incomplete target. The following are the only conditions under which a shooter may leave the range and return to receive credit for the day’s competition. The shooter will be allocated additional time to make up targets missed in the presence of two scorers designated by the range official, or by the range official, who will be responsible for scoring and completing the shooter’s score card.

  4. Equipment failure need not be visible, but must be reported to a tournament official. If the equipment failure occurs during the act of shooting, the arrow will be scored as shot. The shooter will have up to forty-five (45) minutes from the time the shooter is picked up for equipment replacement or repair. Each shooter is limited to one (1) repair or replacement of equipment per tournament. A shooter with a second breakdown will be allowed to repair or replace their equipment, but will not be allowed to make up missed targets.

  5. Any shooter leaving the range for a personal time-out must first check-in with the range official, and must then check back with the official within five minutes and complete the round.

Scoring Rules

  1. Scorecards will be available at the entrance to each range. Shooters will pick up the official colored scorecard for that day, along with one white “shooter’s copy” scorecard which is to be retained by the shooter for their record, at the beginning of each round. The properly completed official colored scorecard must be turned in by the group within fifteen minutes of completion of competition and prior to leaving the range to receive credit for that day’s competition.

  2. All information on the scorecard must be accurate with all information completely and properly filled in. This includes shooters first and last names. Information blocks that are incorrect or incomplete will result in a deduction of ten points from their score.

  3. No changes may be made to the official score card after the scorekeeper and shooter have signed the scorecard. Any changes must be initialed by the scorer and the shooter. If a shooter changes his scorecard after it has been signed by the scorekeeper, the shooter will receive a score of zero for the tournament.

  4. Each group will designate two members of their group as “Scorekeepers” who will record all scores for the group, but they may not maintain their own individual “official” colored scorecard. One scorekeeper will maintain the groups official colored scorecard plus their own white copy, the other scorekeeper will maintain the groups white copies plus the first scorekeepers official colored score card. Two individuals will be designated as “Scorers” but no one will be allowed to score their own arrow. Arrow calls will be done on a majority rule in a timely manner. No shooter shall score their own arrow.

  5. Scorers will agree on a score for each arrow and call out the results to be recorded on the respective shooter’s scorecards by the Scorekeepers.

  6. Scorekeepers will maintain the official colored scorecard for each shooter and be responsible for recording each arrow. A scorekeeper may not keep his or her own “official” card. Scorekeepers will record the total score and total number of 12 Rings at the end of the round.

  7. The completed official colored scorecard must be reviewed and signed as “correct” by the Scorekeeper and the shooter.

  8. The Scorekeepers for each shooting group will turn in the official scorecards for the group together except when a shooter is permitted to make-up targets due to an equipment failure or other approved leave. Shooters assume full responsibility for the accuracy of the information and scores on their cards. Any group that does not turn in their scorecards together before leaving the range will be subject to receiving a score of zero for that round.

  9. All arrows must remain in the target until all arrows are scored. The arrow shaft must be touching a portion of the next highest scoring line to be scored for the higher value. All scoring shall be done with the naked eye without the aid of any special magnification with the exception of prescription glasses or contacts. The status of any doubtful arrows must be determined before drawing any arrow from the target. The score is based on the status of the arrow while all other arrows remain in the target. Arrows may not be removed until a scoring judgment has been made and no changes may be made to the score after removal of any arrow. Targets may not be moved or dislodged for scoring purposes, and shall be returned to their proper upright position upon removal of the arrows. If both Scorers are in agreement, the score will stand. Should the Scorers be unable to reach an agreement, the Scorekeepers (except on a call of their own arrow) will alternate the responsibility of making the final determination before any arrows are removed. Groups will be responsible for calling their own arrows. Range Officials will not make arrow calls except when a group has only two shooters or during special competitions and shoot-offs.

  10. Target “Pass Through” or “Rebound” without striking another arrow: (1) Arrows passing through the front of, but still in, the target will be pushed back and scored; (2) If the group agrees that an arrow passed through the targets insert seam the shooter will be given a score based on the point of pass through not to exceed eight (8) points; (3) If the group agrees and confirms that the arrow actually passed through the target due to the high number of arrows that had been shot at the target, the range official is to be notified and the shooter will be allowed to take the score where the “pass-through” occurred as determined by the group up to a maximum score of 10 points, or (4) If the group agrees that the arrow rebounded out of the target, or deflected off of a plastic leg, without striking another arrow the shooter will be allowed to take the score where the rebound occurred up to a maximum of ten (10) points. Special Note: A score of 12 will not be permitted under sections 2, 3 or 4 of this rule.

  11. Any arrow embedded (“Robin Hood”) in the nock of another arrow will be scored the same as the arrow it is embedded in.

  12. Any arrow rebounded off another arrow (a “Robin Hood” that strikes and damages another arrow and does not proceed toward the target, but bounces back) will be scored the same as the arrow it struck, provided the damaged arrow can be identified.

  13. Arrows in the corresponding area of the target will be scored with point values of 5, 8, 10, or 12.

  14. Each target has two (2) 12-rings. The lower is in play, must call upper—then lower is no longer in play.

  15. Scoring ties will be broken by the number of 12 rings. If the number of 12 rings is tied, a one arrow shoot off using the closest to the center method will be used. This will only apply for podium finishes (1st, 2nd and 3rd).

Shooting Classes and Stakes